Thursday, August 24, 2023
Call to Order
- In attendance: Sandie McDowell, Keri Williams, Cathy Swink, Kelly Harrison, Mindy Bates, Maria Wittkopf, Jennifer Turner, Kylie Foster, Angela Mosby, Anne Hayes, Vanessa Valdez-Horne & Dylan Owings.
- Vote for Minutes Approval
- Motion: Maria moved to accept the minutes
- 2nd Motion: Kylie Foster seconded the motion
- Approved by those in attendance
- Discussion of slating Mindy Bates as VP of School Activities, Kelly Harrison as Secretary and Kelly Capps as VP of School Support.
Principal’s Report: Dr. Lisa Stolper was unable to attend today due to a parent meeting. Dylan Owings talked with the board regarding Taylor Edding’s memorial service and that the staff is working on securing teal bracelets for the students and staff to wear in her honor.
President’s Report: Sandie McDowell
Blue Valley District did not have a meeting in August. The next meeting will be in September and an update will be provided at the September LKMS Board Meeting. Taylor Eddings memorial on Saturday, August 26 10-12 noon at Lionsgate clubhouse. We have created a QR code for donations. Then we need to decide what to use the funds for, scholarship, buddy bench or plaque.
Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Swink
Current cash is at $29K that doesn't include $8,800 that came in from the ELA fundraiser. We still need to pay Barnes & Noble for a total net gain of approximately $3,000. This is the last time they will accept a check. We are moving to an ATM card payment system.
- Check request process-we need to vote to change the process of check requests. Cathy will work on making an online form to use through email. It will be sent through the VP with approval from the President. The bylaws need to be changed to make this amendment. They were last updated in 2015.
A motion was made to change the process of check requests and approve check requests through email.
- Motion: Maria Wittkopf moved to accept the new check request process
- 2nd Motion: Kylie Foster seconded the motion
- Approved by those in attendance
Grants Round Table
- Grants Round table discussion on a new process. We have approximately $10,000. It was decided that dividing it up by grade was not going to work. We want to push it to November so the teachers know what they need and we will have outcome dollar amounts figured out. We have had a surplus but that is quickly dwindling. We can not vote on it today, we really need to discuss it with Lisa. Approximately $2K per grade was being distributed evenly by grade and used for field trips, however discussion ensued that this grant money may be better served if it is used toward what the staff need in their classrooms. Grants can also be used for more than just teachers, open to all staff.
- Received feedback that the new processes we were thinking may not work.
- Looking at a different option to have the registration start in November and we choose in December. That way the teacher will have it for the 2nd Semester.
- More Discussion needed on the grant process!
Secretary’s Report: Kelly Harrison, will upload the minutes.
Community Activities VP Report:
- Community Activities the ELA Books are here and will be sorted on Monday.
- Website: We will need a new website committee lead
- ELA Books:
- Books are ordered, delivered and paid for.
- Books should be handed out to students by the end of next week.
- The amount raised for this event (~$3,000) will go to the Library.
School Activities VP Report: Mindy Bates
Cougar Connect:
- Event went well (everything in Gym was great)
- Kona Ice - we made $200
Spirit Wear:
- Last day to order will be August 27th
- Looking for an update on spiritwear from Jennifer Davenport
- Spirit wear should be available mid-September
Cougar Night:
- Cougar Night will be October 6th, 6:00-8:00
- Theme: Glow Night, wear neon
- Food: We will have pizza again this year and bag chips, more sweet candy and less chocolate, no cotton candy this time. Creative carnival has a create your own pixie stick station we will add.
- Games: obstacle course, dodgeball, eighth grade lounge & pop toss, face paint with glow paint station in front of commons door. We plan to recruit dads to work as security as well as adding “floaters” to the signup genius. We need a new way to accept monetary donations.
- Discussion regarding the cost of Cougar Nights and raising the entrance fees from $5 to $8. Last year we collected $350 from ticket sales at lunch and $27 at the door. We need to set the expectations and show the kids the evening’s menu when selling lunch tickets. They plan to add a mini flyer on the outside of the envelope regarding the costs of things at the event (raffle tickets for example). So they don’t forget their money. We are also having them stand in line at the door and handing out raffle tickets before they walk in. We are adding tables where they can sit and eat. We will still have the raffle in the gym. Security guards can work the doors at departure time.
8th Grade Farewell:
- No updates at this time
Diversity Council Liaison:
- Angela is hoping to meet with the teacher sponsor next week, update to come.
Trivia Night:
- New Event Trivia - Planning discussion is looking at a February timeframe for this event. We need a Trivia Night Chairperson
School Support VP Report: position has been slated to be Kelly Capps, pending Board vote.
Restaurant Night: We have new yard signs, we will add a paper flyer with the name of the restaurant.
- 8/29/23 Yogurtini
- 9/19/23 Chick Fil A, 5-8pm
- 11/7/23 Freddy’s, 4-8pm
- 1/23/24 Panera, all day
- 3/5/24 Rosati’s, pending f/u
- 5/7/24 Panda Express or Torchy’s, pending f/u
- Vanessa is looking into having 1 Restaurant Night each month and making sure it does not conflict with the LKE and SRE nights.
Teacher Grants:
- No updates at this time
Staff Appreciation:
- Tailgate event went well
- Chris and Allison are working on the sign up genius for the September Conferences.
School Supplies:
- We provided 3 kits per grade for extra. We are able to pay their paypal invoice.
Staff Meals:
- Monday breakfast from PTO for memorandum of Taylor Eddings.
President’s Report: Sandie McDowell
- New Board Members:
- Secretary - Kelly Harrison. Board will need to vote Kelly into this position.
- VP of School Support - Kelly Caps. Board will need to vote Kelly into this position.
- VP of School Activities - Mindy Bates. Board will need to vote Mindy into this position.
- Motion: Maria moved to accept the slated positions
- 2nd Motion: Kylie Foster seconded the motion
- Approved by those in attendance
Next meeting: Thursday, September 14, 2023 (Zoom)
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, January 21
- Thursday, January 23
- Friday, January 24