Thursday, February 15, 2024
Call to Order
- In attendance: Keri Williams, Kelly Harrison, Angela Mosby, Maria Whitpkoff, Mindy Bates, Kelly Caps, Kylie, Jen Turner, Sandie Mcdowell, Cathay Swink & Lisa Stopler
Principal’s Report: Dr. Lisa Stolper - Counselors are available and on hand for students, encouraging parents to reach out if any concerns regarding the events at the Superbowl rally at Union Station. Fifth grade enrollment night had a good turnout, they will visit the campus tomorrow. The musical was a huge success! Two more weeks of basketball. Track is starting after spring break.
Presidents’ Report: Kari Williams - No PTO President’s meeting this month
Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Swink - $22K bank balance with a $5,500 grant check that hasn’t been cleared yet. The Secretary of State report has been filed, good through 2026 now. 8th grade farewell deposit check was sent.
School Activities VP Report: Mindy Bates
- Spirit Wear: Jenny Davenport did create a spirit wear store for SRE and LKE 5th graders. The store closes Feb 25th, she will pick up the shirts and proceeds check about three weeks later.
- Cougar Night: April 5th, STUCO voted on 80’s theme for Cougar Night, keeping face painting, pop toss moved to gym and cougar pong is in hallway (switched places) No inflatable dodge ball court and try a wrecking ball inflatable. Adrenaline rush obstacle course. DJ is booked. Tickets are $8 at lunch and $10 at the door.
- 8th Grade Farewell: Our committee is finalizing the venue at Main Event. Buses are secured.
- Fundraiser to assist with 8th grade farewell funds, include a restaurant night at Tanner’s (143 and Metcalf) on Monday, February 26th 5:30-9pm. Dine-in and carry-out, mention Lakewood Middle School. Charlie’s Car Wash cards will be available for purchase and can be used one week in April. Details to come.
- T-shirt design was presented and approved at our last meeting. We will move forward with ordering them.
- Wednesday, May 22nd is the date of the graduation event. This was changed so that the kids would be sharing the facility with PRMS (they will all attend high school together next year).
- Approval to purchase large light up letters ‘LKMS”
- Diversity Council Liaison: Angela Mosby has an update regarding our drive for KCPGA Kansas City Girls Prep Academy. Each grade level is assigned to bring in items to drop off in boxes in front of the school. The board down the hall to the commons has a jeopardy board for black history month.
- Trivia Night Event: Collecting reservations for the event at this time. Maggianos has been booked and there are several raffle items ready for this event! Donations for raffle have come in.
School Support VP Report: Kelly Capps
Restaurant Nights:
- 2/20/24 Panda Express
- 2/26/24 8th Grade Farewell fundraiser at Tanners
- 3/20/24 Rosati’s, all day
- 4/16/24 Culver’s (pending approval)
- 5/7/24 Torchy’s, 4-8pm
- Teacher Grants 2022:
- Update - All grants approved by BV District, funding released. Recap of what these are is below:
- Engineering and Robotics $949 for 3D Printer
- $342 for gifted Education
- Fund the 7th grade to the Zoo field trip with leftover funds but can not guarantee this next year, these funds are leftover from previous COVID years
- Fund the 8th grade to the WWI Memorial with leftover funds but can not guarantee this next year, these funds are leftover from previous COVID years
- Staff Meals: Provided for conferences were greatly appreciated! Thank you to all who donated.
Next meeting:
Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 1:15 pm
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 7
- Saturday, March 8
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12