Thursday, January 11, 2024 

Join Zoom Meeting


Call to Order 

  • In attendance: Keri Williams, Cathy Swink, Kelly Harrison, Mindy Bates, Angela Mosby, Kelly Caps, Jen Turner, Maria Whitpkoff, Jenifer Davenport, Vanessa Valdez & Lisa Stopler

Principal’s Report: Dr. Lisa Stolper - boys basketball started, 45 boys, 4 teams, the musical is at the end of the month. Conferences will be right around the corner, the week of Feb. 5th. We are participating in the Science Olympiad this year. Fifth grade enrollment, Feb. 13th, elective fair visit is on the 16th. 


Presidents’ Report: Kari is reaching out to the district communications to come out and watch the play. The President's meeting was canceled, no update.


Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Swink 

  • $31K in the bank
  • Predicted to have $10K at end of school year taking into account outstanding balances and Edding’s funds ($4,400)
  • Board discussed ordering Edding’s Bench to have it in by Track season. Tami, the LKMS bookkeeper, will order. Della to hear back from the district regarding a memorial plaque.

Budget, budget vs actuals and income/expense attachments were sent via email to PTO Board. 


Secretary’s Report: Kelly Harrison

Nothing new to report

  • Community Activities VP Report: Anne Hayes

Nothing new to report

  • School Activities VP Report: Mindy Bates
  • Spirit Wear: no update
  • Cougar Night: April 5th, three possible themes: STUCO to vote on: 1. Night at the Red Carpet 2. Disco  3. 80’s
  • 8th Grade Farewell: Our committee needs to find the venue. The committee is actively discussing locations at this time. Buses are being secured by Tami the bookkeeper.
  • Discussion on Fundraiser to assist with funds, Charlie’s Car Wash, Sonic Cards or Restaurant Nights at Tanners
    • Keri will reach out to Tanners, possibly t shirt sponsor. 
  • T-shirt design is being finalized, a design was presented for review
  • Thursday, May 23rd is the date of the graduation event.


  • Diversity Council Liaison: Angela Mosby, Mr. Owings wants to have a drive for KCPGA Kansas City Girls Prep Academy. He plans to print posters and a date for the drive. Each grade level is assigned to bring in items to drop off in boxes in front of the school.


  • New Event Trivia: Planning discussion is looking at a February timeframe for this event. We are going forward with starting to plan this event. 


School Support VP Report: Kelly Capps


Restaurant Nights:

  • 1/23/24 Panera, all day
  • 2/20/24 Panda Express (pending approval)
  • 3/20/24 Rosati’s, all day
  • 4/16/24 Culver’s (pending approval)
  • 5/7/24 Torchy’s, 4-8pm

Teacher Grants 2022: 

  • Vote on the teacher grants so Vanessa can finish the process
    • Engineering and Robotics $949 for 3D Printer
    • $342 for gifted Education 
    • Fund the 7th grade to the Zoo field trip with leftover funds but can not guarantee this next year, these funds are leftover from previous COVID years
    • Fund the 8th grade to the WWI Memorial with leftover funds but can not guarantee this next year, these funds are leftover from previous COVID years
  • Vote for Grant Approval 

Motion: Kelly made a motion to approve the above grants

2nd Motion: Maria seconded the motion

Approved by the board

  • Staff Meals: Provided before Winter Break. The meals were appreciated! Thank you to all who donated.


Next meeting: 

Thursday, February 15, 2024 @1:15 pm

Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 1:15 pm