Thursday, October 19, 2023 via Zoom


Call to Order In Attendance: Sandie McDowell, Keri Williams, Cathy Swink, Kelly Harrison, Mindy Bates, Angela Mosby, Kelly Caps, Anne Hayes, Jen Turner, Jenifer Davenport, Vanessa Valdez & Lisa Stopler


Principal’s Report: Lisa Stopler, we had our first band concert with the new director, tonight is the choir concert. They are working on the track out back, making improvements.


President’s Report: Sandie McDowell would like to discuss the following topics today: Cougar night recap, the grant starting process, trivia night & Ms. Eddings memorial.

  • Keri Williams to discuss the PTO hosting a “Screen Sanity” event. This was presented at the President’s Council. They have a parents night package that is $200 and BVEF will reimburse $100 once we complete the event. This will be for parents only. Screen Sanity is a 60-90 minute program designed to teach parents how to manage their kid’s technology and screen time. They give us the resources and we present it. The board talked about dividing it into different age groups or do one in person and one via zoom. Lisa suggested sending the link out in her newsletter. Keri needs to print the materials and Sandie said she is able to help.

A Motion was made by Cathy Swink to have the screen sanity session. Angela seconded the motion. The board discussed possible dates, the week after Thanksgiving is open according to Lisa. November 29th at 6:30 as a possible date.

Ms. Edding’s funds we have $2,900 in her fund. We sold about 1,190 t shirts shirts were sold. They should be ready in about a week. She will get the check for shirt pickup. Approximately $4,000 from shirt sales and the family has about $1,000 to add to her memorial. They are all on board and excited about the idea for a buddy bench.

Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Swink, see attached financial report

  • $32,000 is the balance once all the Cougar Night monies came in. Once it all clears we are in the ballpark of $3,000 in gains from Cougar Night.
  • Annual taxes are filed and paid for.


Secretary’s Report: Kelly Harrison, will upload the minutes to LKMS website the day after the meeting. There is a link missing on the PTO website for the minutes. They are loaded but have nothing to link to. Can someone add this?


Community Activities VP Report: Anne Hayes

  • Community Activities: N/A 
  • Website: We will need a new website committee lead
  • ELA Books: N/A

School Activities VP Report: Mindy Bates

  • Spirit Wear: no update at this time


  • Cougar Night: Jennifer Turner gave an update on Cougar Night We sold 412 tickets, much higher than Spring last year. The pixie stick station was just ok, but we will likely not do it again. The DJ was great, we would hire him again. The face painting was a huge hit and we will do that again. We may move the pop toss, it's always a battle…we may move it to the Gym…we have lots of candy left and we will save for the spring. We had a lot of gift baskets. Have a separate sign ups for eight grade lounge, raffle baskets.


October 6th 6-8pm GLOW Theme. Cougar night recap, great turnout. Things flowed well, maybe one more pop toss. Perfect amount of pizza.


  • 8th Grade Farewell: Thursday, May 23rd. Then, our committee needs to find the venue. The committee is actively discussing locations at this time.


  • Diversity Council Liaison: no update at this time


  • New Event Trivia: Planning discussion is looking at a February timeframe for this event. We are going forward with starting to plan this event.

School Support VP Report: Kelly Capps

  • Restaurant Nights: Next RN, Freddy’s on 11/07/23 from 4-8pm. 
  • 10/24/23 Chipotle, 4-8pm
  • 11/7/23 Freddy’s, 4-8pm
  • 12/12/23 Raising Canes (pending approval)
  • 1/23/24 Panera, all day
  • 2/20/24 Panda Express (pending approval)
  • 3/20/24 Rosati’s, all day
  • 4/16/24 Culver’s (pending approval)
  • 5/7/24 Torchy’s, 4-8pm


  • Teacher Grants: Sandie would like to discuss the Grant starting process. Vanessa Horne with any updates. $10,000 budget, send documentation to Lisa and wait to see the requests we get. Encourage the teachers, clubs, theatre to submit for it.


  • Staff Appreciation: Conference meals were appreciated! Thank you to all who donated.


  • School Supplies: no update at this time. 


  • Staff Meals: no updates


Next meetings: 

Thursday, November 16, 2023 @1:15 in person re: Trivia night and Grants

Thursday, January 11, 2024 @ 1:15 pm

Thursday, February 15, 2024 @1:15 pm

Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 1:15 pm