Thursday, September 14, 2023 via Zoom


Call to Order 

  • In attendance: Sandie McDowell, Keri Wiliams, Kelly Harrison, Mindy Bates, Cathay Swink, Lisa Stopler, Jenny Davenport, Angela Mosby, Jennifer Turner & Cali Gee.

Principal’s Report: Lisa Stopler

  • Addressed the car fire on September 11, 2023 in the parking lot and how well prepared the kids were. We have had fire drills that practiced fires inside the building but not outside. Kids redirected to the football field instead of exiting the north west side as practiced. The fire was so close to the building that we had to evacuate as per the fire department.
  • Drop in conferences will open up soon, info will be in Lisa’s newsletter email later today.  Each teacher will offer in person, group and zoom conferences. All three methods are not necessary, one way is plenty. Fall testing will come out via fastbridge and iready results. Sports have started, all metro cross country meet last night, volleyball game at West, Theatre rally at West with the band and cheerleaders next week. the play is next week.
  • Homework help starts next week in the library after school from 3:00-4:00 and kids need to stay the entire time. It is too disruptive for kids to leave early, when LKE lets out, for example. Teachers will be there to help with homework. Thursdays they will have Spanish help also.

President’s Report: Sandie McDowell 

  • Ms. Eddings memorial fund and T-shirt update. This is under process, a design and color was approved. Discussion regarding how to purchase these.  
  • Open topic - ELA book drive new and used for the ELA rooms. It was decided that donations will be accepted in November for used ELA books.

PTO President’s Meeting Report: Sandie McDowell/Keri Williams

  • President’s Meeting Report new Kansas State requirements will go in effect for incoming freshmen next year according to Mr. McMullen. For example, a personal finance class will be added to the curriculum. A facilities update was also given. The 2020 bond activities have been completed. The 2023 bond items have been identified and they have plans to update specific district wide items in the next 3 years. So, if we ever plan to fundraise to update something (for example Ms. Edding’s buddy bench) at the school, we want to make sure we work with facilities to assure the item isn’t already planned from facilities and they want to make sure its up to their standards.
  • Lastly, the BVEF - grant process is now in play, Lisa encourage your staff to put their grants in.  We asked Lisa if there was any project that the staff wanted us to work on. She will get back to the PTO with any requests.

Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Swink 

  •  Budget vote/approval August had a $32,000 balance before Barns & Noble ELA book check cashed. This will change the amount to $26,000 for September munus the Ms. Eddings funds so approximately $24,000. We have collected $9,500 from parent dues (about $3K above projected). ELA books made $3,300. Cathy asked if we give all of that money to the Library? Dr. Stopler said that in the past we have split between library and ELA teachers but the teachers don’t need it and Stopler proposes we give it allto the library after her meeting with the librarian. We would rather use the money  to update and diversify our collection. Book fairs in the past have proven to not be worth the amount of work put into it. 
  • Cathy asked the board if we wanted to increase the gift card budget. Something we need to ask Chris about and roll this into staff appreciation for Cathy to then update the budget line item.
  • Annual tax filing started, due Nov 15
  • Tax exempt status
  • Ms. Eddings Memorial Fund is at $2,543 after processing fees
  • Cathy will be on site at Cougar Nights with the cash box.


Secretary’s Report: Kelly Harrison, will upload the minutes to LKMS website the day after the meeting.


Community Activities VP Report: Kelly Capps

  • Community Activities: N/A 
  • Website: We will need a new website committee lead
  • ELA Books: N/A

School Activities VP Report: Mindy Bates

  • Spirit Wear: Spirit wear should be coming in soon, and we are also working with the designer to do a memorial T-shirt for Ms Eddings. Discussion regarding memorial shirts to sell above asking price and use the proceeds for Ms. Taylor Eddings memorial fund. Depending on size, the shirts will cost between $11-$18. We talked about selling them for $20, have one design only. Jenny Davenport is launching a web site where families can purchase. A 10 day window is optional so Lisa Stopler can offer the sales link to families in two of her weekly newsletter emails. Spirit wear expected to come in soon, possibly Sunday. The district has a contract with BSN, so we need to get a quote from them first before using another vendor. Coaches generally handle the sales of shirts for their teams. The problem with PTO doing it is at the beginning of the year is that if their kid doesn’t play, they have a shirt. 
  • Cougar Night: Kylee Foster (not able to be in attendance)
  • October 6th 6-8pm GLOW Theme 
  • Lunch Presale tickets are $8 (Will be selling tickets at lunch on Oct 4-6th)
  • Tickets at the door are $10
  • Each ticket includes 4 raffle tickets & door prize & fast pass entry

Items to purchase at Cougar Night: Cash only. A flyer will be on the envelope with items they can purchase and a reminder to bring cash. 

  • Pizza ($2 per slice) 
  • Assorted Candy ($1-$3 range)
  • Sodas & Waters ($1)
  • Make your own Pixie Stick Station (We pay $1.50 per tube, we sell for $3 per tube, $1.50 profit per tube) (Pay for after event) 
  • Raffle Tickets (2/$1)

We will be making all students with wrist bands make 2 lines outside of the door & they will be checked in and receive the door prize prior to entry. There will be a 3rd line for day of sales or for those with lost tickets. 

  • There will be 2 inflatables in the Gym
  • One Obstacle Course & One Inflatable Dodgeball Court
  • We will have a Neon Paint Station
  • Dj & Dancing will be in the Commons
  • We will have the Nintendo/Game Room
  • 2 Pop Toss stations 
  • Plinko with prizes
  • Cougar Pong with prizes
  • Raffle Table 
  • 8th Grade Lounge

We will be upping security at all exits & will be asking for dads to volunteer for that role. In the hallway where we had the raffle before, we will have tables where they can sit down to eat. We also will have the pixie station there.


We will be sending out the volunteer & donation sign ups 2 weeks prior to the event. We have reached out to BVW to get in contact with students that need volunteer hours as well.  Discussion regarding sponsorship for Cougar Night. Keri mentioned donations in tiers, for example $100, $200 increments. We are looking to make a sponsorship plan for Spring.

  • 8th Grade Farewell: Possibility for fundraising opportunities for 8th grade celebration at Cougar Night. Discussion on this idea. The group has been in touch brainstorming plans for May 23rd. 205 eighth graders total. Lack of busses is a concern, we may need to move this to the day before. 
  • Diversity Council Liaison: Angela has reached out to the new teacher over Diversity Club. Angela will give an update on what she hopes to discuss with him this week. She would love to see diversity emphasized in the library. With new cultural books, student spotlight on highlighting different cultures however currently, the QR code to sign up wasn’t working so only one student signed up so far.
  • New Event Trivia: Planning discussion is looking at a February timeframe for this event. We are going forward with starting to plan this event.

School Support VP Report: Vanessa Valdez-Horne (may join late, she will be wrapping up a work call)

  • Restaurant Nights: Next RN, Chick-Fil-A on Tuesday, 9/19/23 from 5-8pm. Flyer will be included on this Friday’s school newsletter. We have new yard signs and will add a paper flyer with the name of the restaurant.
    • 9/19/23 Chick Fil A, 5-8pm
    • 11/7/23 Freddy’s, 4-8pm
    • 1/23/24 Panera, all day
    • 3/5/24 Rosati’s, pending f/u
    • 5/7/24 Panda Express or Torchy’s, pending f/u
    • Vanessa is looking into having 1 Restaurant Night each month and making sure it does not conflict with the LKE and SRE nights. 

Results from the last RN fundraiser at Yogurtini was only $34.55

  • Teacher Grants 2022: No updates at this time, focus more on October/November
  • Staff Appreciation
    • Chris and Allison are working on the sign up genius for the September Conferences. 
  • School Supplies: no update at this time. Cali met with Pete and walked through what went well, what to change. They have new things coming, including a camelback watter bottle, new labels coming. He is asking for a commit by the end of October. She will send it out to the board to vote on.
  • Staff Meals: no updates

Next meetings

Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 1:15 pm Zoom 

Thursday, November 16, 2-23 @1:15 Zoom

Thursday January 11, 2024 @ 1:15 pm

Thursday February 15, 2024 @1:15 pm

Upcoming Events

